Day 21: St. Louis We woke up at 6:00 am to mosquito bites and sweat. Some of the participants didn’t sleep at all. Ainsley and Abbi saw raccoons after getting lost on the way back from showers, and the counselors got some food stolen by the raccoons. We loaded the bus, and had a delicious breakfast of blueberry and chocolate chip muffins with Cuties. Our first stop was Kansas University, home of the Jayhawks. After some research from Mallory and Katherine, we headed to the bookstore where some people bought souvenirs. Other people got Starbucks and some people even called home from the computers. Sanders, Will, and Charlie tried to catch a squirrel, and many people played a few rounds of Super Smash Brothers. We loaded back up and watched Kronk’s New Groove on the bus. On Miss America, they had carpool karaoke. Larkin and Spicy blew the van away with their singing. Carolina girl had a boring ride. Willy saw some passerbys he wanted to talk to, but unfortunately couldn’t. Our next stop was the Bonneville Walmart in Missouri. We’re finally out of Kansas! Tucker won a stuffed animal at the arcade there, and Larkin totally won a disco ball. Carynn climbed into a Spiderman ride, and then we headed to St. Louis.
In the beautiful city of St. Louis we were extremely late to the Gateway arch, so we had to run to get to the tour on time. The tour guide Kristen and Christian got along really well because of their similar names.. After a short informational video, we loaded up in our eggs as many people sang on the ride up to the top of the arch. Mallory almost cried on the way up. After we rode up, we had a few minutes to look around the gift shop. Seth G. bought his second t-shirt of the trip. After we were done shopping we went out to the yard of the arch to spell TWB 2021. The Grumpys did so well spelling the first two that Dallas said it was outstanding. After we spelled and confused some touristas, we loaded up and headed to our campsite. When we got there, the campsite was cool and not as hot as Kansas was. There are a lot of people enoing tonight. For dinner we are having burrito bowls with rice and beans. After dinner, we have a sing along and its time to get some sleep for our last eventful day of the trip. Grumpy goobers out!
Getting ready to board the tram in the Archway! |
The tram's were so small! (it's a wonder how our taller guys did it) |
In our egg |
On top of the Archway, looking out on the city |
View of the Cardinals game from the top |
Emily gives the arch a thumbs up |
View of the Mississippi River from the top |
Grace having an amazing time looking out on the beautiful view! |
Two of our counselors, John and Kenzi, and our bus driver, Michael, having a great time at the Archway |
Trying to create our iconic TWB visual, kinda rough looking at the moment |
Our iconic TWB 2021 visual is complete and lookin' nice ! |
Grant makes everyone do sit ups |
The Archway was a whole blast for everyone |
Grayson and Abbi showing off their huge height difference! |
The group plays a round of Uno while waiting for dinner |
Everyone has fun at the sing-along tonight! |
Grant gets into the sing-along as well!! |
Spicey leading us along |
Everyone takes time to hug each other and say their I love yous |
It's a party in the USA |
Friends who sing together, stay together |
Everybody is gettin' their grub on! |
Whippin' it up on the grills ! |
Giving a big thumbs-up! |
Everyone being safe at the Archway! |