Day 14: Utah
HELLO FRIENDS AND FAMILY!!!! Sneezys here! This morning we were able to sleep in and wake up around 6:45, then got ready for our long day of driving and spending time together. The cooks gave us some yummy blueberry and chocolate chip muffins with bananas for breakfast. We were really excited about the muffins because they were the BIG ones!!!! Some even had seconds just because it was delightful. Then, we found ourselves on the way to Wal-Mart to pick up the necessities like snacks, ChapStick, and the Dopeys shopped for a traveling dinner for tonight and breakfast for tomorrow. For lunch, we were blessed with nutella, peanut butter, and jelly sandwiches. We got to make even more friends today switching seats at every stop, as we rode on the bus for hours at a time. We got bored at times, but we always found ways to occupy our time such as poker, socializing, sightseeing, and making bracelets. The vans enjoyed blasting some tunes and talking with each other. The views outside of the bus today were the same. Lots and lots of nothing…except mountains and classic desert things. Due to the same views, many people took naps on the bus today. Other groups ended up playing UNO and Ella kept looking at Lauren’s cards the whole time. #cheater
Will unloading the bus |
Time to buy breakfast |
Shopping with the gang |
Peter driving through Nevada |
Birthday girl Leah |
Strom on the mic |
Camille braided the greek goddess Will's hair |
Our other birthday girl Carynn |
Carson and his yarn invention |
Rare picture of Kack losing at UNO |
Always a good time on the bus |
Eventually, we arrived at the famous and stunning Salt Lakes. We took turns licking the salt and taking many pictures together. Some people even brought bags to take salt home (to use on our traveling dinner of subs tonight)! Tonight we get mail and everyone is jumping for joy!!! Nothing can contain the excitement everyone feels, we can’t wait to see all the goodies and letters we received! We have been talking about how pumped we are for mail all day today! Also, today we celebrate Carynn and Leah’s birthday! Happy birthday queens!! Grant played a special birthday “meow” song. Dallas presented us with a tootie ta dance for the entire bus to enjoy! Now, our awesome cooks, the dopey group, are preparing subs for us to eat for dinner! Grant was generous enough to let us watch a little bit of the Olympics on the bus ride tonight, which was perfect as we enjoyed dinner and the last stretch of our long driving day. After opening our mail, we went to the playground outside to blow bubbles, play with our new toys, and watch some fireworks as the neighborhood celebrates Pioneer Day. We can’t wait for Salt Lake tomorrow!!!
Watching Pioneer Day celebrations |
What a beautiful sunset |
All the fun gifts we recieved |
The friendships made will last forever |
Anna received dog hair! |
The mosquitos are killer |
Mallory misses her puppies |
Kack is a simp |
Abby embracing her farm animal side |
Sisters? |